Acupuncture is an holistic approach to the management of disease and the maintenance of health, based on over 3000 years of history in the Far East. With treatment consisting of the insertion of very fine needles into the skin, it is one of the most rapidly growing complementary therapies in the UK.
Research shows that acupuncture needles release endorphins, the natural pain relieving chemicals stored in the brain. These chemicals not only provide pain relief but also assist the body in its healing process.
When acupuncture is used it may be combined with a range of other treatment techniques eg; exercise and manual therapy. There is no extra charge for acupuncture it is included in the cost of a physiotherapy session.
How can it help?
Acupuncture can help treat the following conditions:
Acupuncture does not work for all patients, and response rates vary, but most patients experience pain relief when conventional medical treatment has not worked.
If you would like any information about either future Pilates classes or Acupuncture sessions, please feel free to either call or email me.