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- The Importance of sleep – Carmel Marner MCSP11th April 2022 - 4:18 pm
Sleep is the mysterious shift in consciousness that our bodies require every day. It’s vital for our health and wellbeing and not only do we function less well when we don’t get enough quality sleep, but it can lead to long-term health problems such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity etc. […]
- The Physiotherapy Clinic – Your questions answered22nd June 2021 - 12:07 pm
What do we offer at The Physiotherapy Clinic? More than just Physio. Based in Saltash for over 30yrs, we now have a clinic in Liskeard, and also offer Sports Therapy, massage, acupuncture, Pilates, shockwave, prenatal massage, with our expanding team. Why should I see a Private Physio when its free on the NHS? We have […]
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tel: 01752 202 202
Saltash Clinic
Caradon Physio & Wellness Centre
118 Callington Road
Saltash, Cornwall
PL12 6EA
Liskeard Clinic
Caradon Physio & Wellness Centre
4 Oakland Mews
Owen Sivell Close
Liskeard, Cornwall
PL14 3UX
Physiotherapist Jacob Herman joins Saltash Physiotherapy
Physiotherapist Jacob Herman joins Saltash Physiotherapy Clinic
The last three months have flown by since moving into our new premises and business is flourishing.
We are excited to welcome Jacob Herman to the team.
He will be available Wednesdays and Fridays 6-8pm for those of you who find it difficult to make appointments during the day!
NEW: Complementary Therapy at Saltash Physiotherapy Clinic
NEW: Complementary Therapy at Saltash Physiotherapy Clinic
NEW to Saltash Physiotherapy Clinic.
Maria Shrigley offers reflexology, full body and aromatherapy massages from our new clinic on Callington Road.
Prices range from £10-22 with discounts for the over 60’s.
Call 07837532561
Saltash Physiotherapy Open day
We are opening our doors on Monday 25th July between 2pm and 6pm for anyone who would like to come and meet the team, have a look around the new clinic and join us for a chat over some drinks and nibbles.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Saltash Physiotherapy Clinic moves
Greetings existing Saltash Physio clients and prospective new customers! This is to let you know that as of July 11th we have moved to new premises, 118 Callington Road, Saltash (just opposite the Fire Station). Easy to find and park, we look forward to seeing you at the new address in the near future.